The features that you will read below are under heavily discussions and are for the most part inspired by the hack and hear wishlist

  • better signal processing
  • seemless compatibility with the hearing aid and peripheral hardware
  • avaibility of replacement parts
  • ability of updating the software
  • security of the system (unwilling modification of the parameters)
  • long bettery life and standardized size
  • adaptation of the hearing aid in different conditions (machine learning)
  • calibration and modification of the paramaters by the user
  • waterproof
  • affordable price of the hardware


After following an online course given by the team of Manchester, I think the following criteria are relevant (especially for poor countries):

  • can recharge without electricity (can recharge itself by movement or solar panels or by a system that can generate electricity without being pluged-in to an electric network such as a dynamo).
  • must be really cheap (not much more than a Raspberry PI)
  • robust to temperatures
  • robust to dust (correlated to be waterproof)
  • all parts can be changes in case of a malfunction (easy hackable system)